Aquaseal Concrete Crack Repair Specialists Ontario 1-800-NO-LEAKS

Aquaseal Concrete Crack Repair Specialists Ontario 1-800-NO-LEAKS
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Ashpark Basement Waterproofing Contractors Ontario in Ontario dial 310-LEAK or 1-800-334-6290

Ashpark Basement Waterproofing Contractors Ontario in Ontario dial 310-LEAK or 1-800-334-6290
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weeping tIle

Drain tile, aka footing tile, clay tile, tiling system, perforated drain, foundation drain, and rubble drain are drains used by basement waterproofing contractors to drain water alongside a home and underneath your floor into a drain running away from your home either through a series of drains or through a sump pump.

Drain tile is perforated (has holes) which allows water to seep inside. It is typically submerged in gravel which causes water to seep into the drain tile. Gravel not only allows water to seep in, it prevents soil from blocking the holes in the weeping tile. The pip is usually round and covered with a sock (not your typical sock) and reaches a diameter of 4”. The modern piping system is uasually plastic while older models have been clay.

Other drain tile uses are farm drainage and yard drainage.

Find local basement waterproofing contractors. Click basement waterproofing
Keywords: basement waterproofing

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